Professional and Scientific Career
Jun 1992: | PhD (Theoretical Particle Physics), University of Hamburg | |
1992-1995: | Research Fellow, Physics Department, University of Southampton | |
1995-1996: | Research Fellow, DESY-Zeuthen | |
1996-2000: | PPARC Advanced Fellow, University of Oxford | |
1998: | Habilitation (Theoretical Physics), University of Hamburg | |
1998-2000: | Research Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford | |
2000-2001: | Lecturer and PPARC Advanced Fellow, University of Liverpool | |
2001-2005: | Staff Member, Theory Group, DESY Hamburg | |
since 2005: | Full Professor (W3), JGU Mainz | |
since 2012: | Spokesperson Cluster of Excellence "Precision Physics, Fundamental Interactions and Structure of Matter" (PRISMA) |
Research Interests
- Lattice QCD
- Hadron structure and spectroscopy
- Muon anomalous magnetic moment and other precision observables
Awards and Honors
- Scientific Associate, CERN, Geneva (1999/2000)
- Teaching Award by the Senate of Mainz University (2013)
Present PhD Students
- Sebastian Lahrtz
- Arnau Beltran Martinez
- Miguel Salg
- Alexander Segner
Master Students
- Nurbakyt Amanbek
- Lukas Geyer
Former PhD Students
- Miguel Teseo San José Pérez: The hadronic contribution to the running of the electromagnetic coupling and the electroweak mixing angle
- Andreas Risch: Isospin breaking effects in hadronic matrix elements on the lattice
- Jonas Wilhelm:The strangeness form factors of the nucleon form lattice QCD (2019)
- Felix Erben: A Lattice QCD study of the rho resonance and the timelike pion form factor (2018)
- Hanno Horch: Lattice QCD studies of observables extracted from the hadronic vacuum polarization (2017)
- Johannes Weber: Properties of minimally doubled fermions (2015)
- Vera Gülpers: Hadronic Correlation Functions with Quark-disconnected Contributions in Lattice QCD (2015)
- Benjamin Jäger: Hadronic Matrix Elements in Lattice QCD (2013)
- Bastian Brandt: Chiral properties of two-flavour QCD at zero and non-zero temperature (2012)
- Bastian Knippschild: Baryons in the Chiral Regime (2012)
- Jan Wennekers: Non-perturbative Studies of QCD at Small Quark Masses (2006)
Public Understanding of Science
- Physik im Theater, Staatstheater Mainz, kleines Haus, 24.11.2014 at 7pm
Full list of publications from inSPIRE
- SS 24
Mathematische Rechenmethoden - SS 23
Mathematischer Brückenkurs (A) - SS 22
Theoretische Physik 5, Höhere Quantenmechanik - WS 20/21
Kosmologie und Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie - SS 20
Cosmology and General Relativity - SS 19
Cosmology and General Relativity - SS 18
Mathematischer Vorkurs - SS 17
Einführung in die Gittereichtheorie - SS 16
Theoretische Physik 5, Höhere Quantenmechanik
Selected Talks and Lectures
A glimpse of the \(H\) dibaryon from a Lattice QCD perspective
Talk at the 58th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics
Bormio, 20 - 24 January 2020; PDF
The Muon \((g-2)\)
A sensitive probe for new physics
Lecture at the International School of Subnuclear Physics
Erice, 21 - 30 June 2019 PDF
An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
Notes of lectures presented at the School for Young High-Energy Physicists
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, September 2003; PostScript or PDF.