Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hartmut Wittig

Professional and Scientific Career

Jun 1992: PhD (Theoretical Particle Physics), University of Hamburg
1992-1995: Research Fellow, Physics Department, University of Southampton
1995-1996: Research Fellow, DESY-Zeuthen
1996-2000: PPARC Advanced Fellow, University of Oxford
1998: Habilitation (Theoretical Physics), University of Hamburg
1998-2000: Research Fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford
2000-2001: Lecturer and PPARC Advanced Fellow, University of Liverpool
2001-2005: Staff Member, Theory Group, DESY Hamburg
since 2005: Full Professor (W3), JGU Mainz
since 2012: Spokesperson Cluster of Excellence "Precision Physics,
Fundamental Interactions and Structure of Matter" (PRISMA)
Research Interests
  • Lattice QCD
  • Hadron structure and spectroscopy
  • Muon anomalous magnetic moment and other precision observables
Awards and Honors
  • Scientific Associate, CERN, Geneva (1999/2000)
  • Teaching Award by the Senate of Mainz University (2013)
Present PhD Students
  • Sebastian Lahrtz
  • Arnau Beltran Martinez
  • Miguel Salg
  • Alexander Segner
Master Students
  • Nurbakyt Amanbek
  • Lukas Geyer
Former PhD Students
Public Understanding of Science

Full list of publications from inSPIRE

Selected Talks and Lectures

A glimpse of the \(H\) dibaryon from a Lattice QCD perspective
Talk at the 58th International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics
Bormio, 20 - 24 January 2020; PDF

The Muon \((g-2)\)
A sensitive probe for new physics

Lecture at the International School of Subnuclear Physics
Erice, 21 - 30 June 2019 PDF

An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
Notes of lectures presented at the School for Young High-Energy Physicists
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, September 2003; PostScript or PDF.