About the Theory Group

The theory group studies the strong interaction at low and medium energies. Our activities focus on the theoretical interpretation of the experiments at MAMI and at other accelerator facilities. We use both analytical methods like effective field theories and dispersion theory, and numerical simulations of nuclear structure and of Quantum Chromodynamics on the lattice.

Collaborative Research Centre at JGU's Institute for Nuclear Physics seeks new physical phenomena through a better understanding of strong interaction processes

The German Research Foundation (DFG) today approved the establishment of a new Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). The CRC 1660 "Hadrons and Nuclei as Discovery Tools" aims to understand the strong interaction that leads to processes involving hadrons, nuclei, and atoms. The goal is to answer fundamental questions: What physical phenomena occur beyond the Standard Model of particle physics (SM) and how can we measure and describe them? The spokespersons of the new Collaborative Research Centre are Professor Concettina Sfienti (experiment) and Professor Marc Vanderhaeghen (theory) from the Institute for Nuclear Physics at JGU. ...

Theory group paper highlighted as Editors' suggestion in PRD

The paper Improved analysis of isovector nucleon matrix elements with Nf=2+1 flavors of O(a) improved Wilson fermions by Dalibor Djukanovic, Georg von Hippel, Harvey B. Meyer, Konstantin Ottnad, and Hartmut Wittig has been highlighted as an Editors' suggestion in Physical Review D. The paper presents an update of our determination of the isovector charges and the isovector twist-2 forward matrix elements on the Nf=2+1 gauge ensembles generated by the Coordinated Lattice Simulations (CLS) effort. We have significantly extended our coverage of the parameter space by adding ensembles at the physical pion mass and fine lattice spacing, at nearly physical pion masses and very fine lattice spacings, and at very large physical lattice volumes, enabling a well-controlled extrapolation to the physical point. Another major improvement is achieved owing to the extended range of source-sink separations, which allows us to perform two-state fits to summed correlator ratios, leading to a much higher level of control over excited-state effects.


Preis für herausragende Abschlussarbeiten

Justus Ringhandt wurde für seine Bachelor-Arbeit Drehimpuls in der Quantenmechanik vom Fachbereich 08 mit einem Preis für herausragende Abschlussarbeiten ausgezeichnet. Die Arbeit wurde von Prof. Dr. Stefan Scherer betreut.


Die Masterarbeit Quantenelektrodynamik. Eine Einführung für Lehramtsstudierende von Katharina Sandner ist im BestMasters-Programm bei Springer Spektrum erschienen. Die Arbeit wurde von Prof. Dr. Stefan Scherer betreut.

MENU 2023 – 16th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon

The 16th edition of the "International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon" (MENU 2023) was organized on October 16-20, 2023 by the Institute for Nuclear Physics of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz and held at Erbacher Hof, a historic building from the 12th century formerly belonging to a monastery and now serving the diocese of Mainz as an educational center. ...

25th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics

The 25th European conference on few-body problems in physics (EFB25) was held in Mainz, Germany, from July 30th to August 4th, 2023. Like previous conferences in this series, this conference was devote to the presentation and discussion of recent developments in the field of few-body systems, i.e., systems which can be understood in terms of a few degrees of freedom.This Conference focused on recent developments in the field of few-body systems in the areas of hadron physics, nuclei and hypernuclei, electroweak processes, nuclear astrophysics, cold atoms and quantum gases, atoms and molecules, as well as few-body methods and few-body aspects of many-body systems ...

PREN & µASTI conference

The joint meeting of the “Proton Radius European Network” (PREN 2023) and the “Muonic Atom Spectroscopy Theory Initiative” (µASTI) took place June 26-30, 2023 in the lecture hall of the Helmholtz Institute Mainz. ...