Links within the University

Department 08: Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science

Department 08
Institute of Physics
Institute of Nuclear Physics
Institute for Atmospheric Physics
Institute of Mathematics
Institute for Computer Science



PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence
Helmholtz Institute Mainz (HIM)
Mainz Institute of Theoretical Physics (MITP)


Maps and Directions

Campus map
Directions to campus


Libraries and Computing

Universitätsbibliothek (University Library)
Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung (Computing Centre)
High-Performance Computing (HPC)
Netzwerk-Zugang per eduroam


Studying and Learning

Fristen und Termine (Deadlines and Important Dates)
Jogustine (List of Lectures)
Promotionsstudien (Doctoral studies)
Academic Integrity
Studium generale



Speisepläne Mensa (Cafeteria Menu)


Other Services

JGU International
Familien-Servicebüro (Family Services Centre)
Personalrat (Works Council)
Schwerbehindertenvertretung (Representation of Employees with Disabilities)
Konfliktberatung (Conflict Counselling and Mediation)
Suchtberatung und -prävention (Substance Abuse Prevention)
Psychotherapeutische Beratungsstelle (Mental Health Services)
Allgemeiner Hochschulsport (Physical Education Academy)