MENU 2023 – 16th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon

25th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics
The 25th European conference on few-body problems in physics (EFB25) was held in Mainz, Germany, from July 30th to August 4th, 2023. Like previous conferences in this series, this conference was devoted to the presentation and discussion of recent developments in the field of few-body systems, i.e., systems which can be understood in terms of a few degrees of freedom. This Conference focused on recent developments in the field of few-body systems in the areas of hadron physics, nuclei and hypernuclei, electroweak processes, nuclear astrophysics, cold atoms and quantum gases, atoms and molecules, as well as few-body methods and few-body aspects of many-body systems ...
PREN & µASTI conference

SFB School 2019
The annual Summer School of the SFB 1044 (The Low-Energy Frontier of the Standard Model) takes place from 22-25 October 2019 at the Hotel Ebertor in Boppard. The program covers the current research activities of the SFB 1044. Expert lectures are held on theoretical and experimental physics followed by contributions from graduate students and postdocs working in the SFB 1044. ...
PRISMA+ Cluster of Excellence inaugurated

SFB 1044 workshop

SFB School 2018
The annual Summer School of the SFB 1044 (The Low-Energy Frontier of the Standard Model) will take place from 4-7 September 2018 at the Hotel Ebertor in Boppard. The program will cover the current research activities of the SFB 1044. Expert lectures will be held on theoretical and experimental physics followed by contributions from graduate students and postdocs working in the SFB). ...
MITP workshop "Scattering Amplitudes and Resonance Properties from Lattice QCD"
In recent years, Lattice QCD (LQCD) calculations of stable-hadron properties have become considerably more precise, and as a result, LQCD inputs are having an increasing impact on Standard-Model phenomenology. Considering this progress, it is natural to also examine the prospects for using lattice QCD to calculate the properties of unstable hadrons, i.e. QCD resonances that decay via the strong force. The extraction of resonance properties is much more challenging, but also in this sector enormous progress has been made in the development of both theoretical methods and numerical techniques. The aim of this workshop is to bring together experts in developing the formalism and lattice practitioners, in order to review the status of ongoing calculations and discuss future prospects. The workshop will emphasize the future role of LQCD in precision resonance physics, especially in the context of forthcoming experiments. ...
18.06.2018 - 22.06.2018
Second Workshop of the Muon g-2 Theory Initiative
In the coming years, experiments at Fermilab and at J-PARC plan to reduce the uncertainties on the already very precisely measured anomalous magnetic moment of the muon by a factor of four. The goal is to resolve the current tantalizing tension between theory and experiment of three to four standard deviations. On the theory side the hadronic corrections to the anomalous magnetic moment are the dominant sources of uncertainty. They must be determined with better precision in order to unambiguously discover whether or not new physics effects contribute to this quantity.
There are a number of complementary theoretical efforts underway to better understand and quantify the hadronic corrections, including dispersive methods, lattice QCD, effective field theories, and QCD models. The Muon (g-2) Theory Initiative was formed in order to facilitate interactions between the different groups through organizing a series of workshops. The goal of this workshop is to bring together theorists from the different communities to discuss, assess, and compare the status of the various efforts, and to map out strategies for obtaining the best theoretical predictions for these hadronic corrections in advance of the experimental results. ...
Special Colloquium with Nobel laureate Professor Wolfgang Ketterle
We are happy to welcome Professor Wolfgang Ketterle at the Physics Colloquium in the lecture hall of the IMB. He will give a lecture on
New forms of matter with ultracold atoms: superfluids and supersolids
Why do physicists freeze matter to extremely low temperatures? Why is it worthwhile to cool to temperatures which are a billion times lower than that of interstellar space? In this talk, I will discuss new forms of matter, which only exist at extremely low temperatures. With the help of laser beams, gases of ultracold atoms can be transformed into crystals and insulators, and recently into a supersolid which is gaseous, liquid and solid at the same time. ...
Die Physikanten
'Weise Weihnacht'
Wer sind die Physikanten & Co.?
Die Physikanten & Co. sind eine Wissenschafts-Comedy-Gruppe aus Physikern, Comedians und Schauspielern. Mit ihren ebenso lehrreichen wie komischen Wissenschaftsshows begeistern sie seit zwölf Jahren auf Festivals, in Schulen, Museen oder Veranstaltungen in ganz Europa und Japan. Für Wissenschaftssendungen im Fernsehen konzipiert und baut die elfköpfige Gruppe um Gründer Marcus Weber spektakuläre Experimente.
Wir bitten um Anmeldung von Schulklassen und Gruppen bis 12.12.2017.
29.10.2017 - 04.11.2017
12th European Research Conference on Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei
This conference series covers experimental and theoretical topics in the areas of nuclear and hadronic physics. It also serves as a forum for contacts and discussions of current and future developments in our field. The conference has unofficially been a counterpart of the US Gordon conference on photonuclear physics and held in alternate years with traditionally a strong US participation. No proceedings will be produced, in the tradition of Gordon and Euroconferences, in order to encourage the frank exchange of even tentative information.
The pre-conference from 29-30 October is organized by young physicists and focuses on skill and career development as well as research. Further, a series of pedagogical lectures will take place on the day before the conference ...
19.09.2017 - 21.09.2017
GRK "Symmetry Breaking" Annual Retreat 2017
The annual retreat offers the opportunity for all members to better get to know each other and to discuss physics in a relaxed, informal atmosphere. Students can present their research projects in short presentations followed by discussions. In addition, distinguished scientists from leading institutions will give lecture courses in the fields of Higgs physics, axions, and gravitational waves. ...
29.08.2017 - 01.09.2017
SFB School 2017
The SFB 1044 "The Low-Energy Frontier of the Standard Model" held its annual Summer School at the Hotel Ebertor in Boppard from 29 August to 01 September 2017. Invited lecturer Adam Szczepaniak (Indiana U) spoke about Partial Wave Analysis and all that. Dr. Sören Lange from Gießen talked about experimental aspects. The program also included contributions from members of the SFB (graduate students, postdocs). ...
Anlässlich des 60. Geburtstages von Professor Klaus Wendt spricht Professor Klaus Blaum zum Thema:
Measuring the World - Precision Measurements of Fundamental Properties of Atoms and Nuclei
Atomic physics techniques like Penning-trap mass spectrometry and laser spectroscopy have provided sensitive and high-precision tools for a detailed study of atomic and nuclear ground-state properties far from the valley of stability. Mass, moment and nuclear charge radii measurements in long isotopic and isotonic chains have allowed, e.g., to extract nuclear structure information such as shell and subshell closures, the onset of deformation, the coexistence of nuclear shapes and the discovery of new magic numbers. This colloquium covers the mentioned experimental techniques to study nuclear ground state properties and their impact on nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics and tests of fundamental interactions and their symmetries. Comparisons to state-of-the-art calculations will be presented as well. ...
04.10.2016 - 07.10.2016
SFB1044 Summer School 2016 in Boppard
The Summer School of the Collaborative Research Centre CRC/SFB 1044 took place October 4-7, 2016 at the Hotel Ebertor in Boppard. ...
18.09.2016 - 23.09.2016
Summer School 2016 of the Graduate School "Symmetry Breaking"
The third international summer school of the Graduate School "Symmetry Breaking in Fundamental Interactions" and the excellence cluster PRISMA took place on Frauenchiemsee in Bavaria/Germany from September 18 to 23, 2016. World-leading physicists presented lectures and topical talks in the fields of Higgs and Beyond the Standard Model Physics, Collider/LHC Physics, Effective Theories, Lattice QCD, Mathematical Physics, and Cosmology. ...
04.04.2016 - 07.04.2016
Workshop "New Vistas in Low-Energy Precision Physics (LEPP)"
The aim of this workshop is to discuss the physics opportunities at MESA, especially the opportunities given at the internal target experiment MAGIX. At MAGIX, the combination of a windowless target in combination with a high-intensity energy-recovering electron beam opens the avenue for new precision measurements in the fields of nuclear, hadron, and particle physics. ...
15.09.2015 - 17.09.2015
GRK Symmetry Breaking Annual retreat 2015 in Bad Kreuznach

31.08.2015 - 11.09.2015
Scientific Programme on Fundamental Parameters from Lattice QCD
Lattice QCD inputs are becoming ever more important for phenomenology, and have greatly contributed to determining Standard Model parameters such as the quark masses and the running coupling constant, with an overall accuracy that far exceeds the intrinsic uncertainties of other methods. This has prompted several efforts to provide PDG-style global estimates of lattice results for use in phenomenology, including a careful assessment of systematic errors and the overall accuracy. The aim of this MITP scientific program is to bring together the lattice practitioners who are involved in producing global estimates with the members of the phenomenological and experimental communities who will be using lattice estimates as input for phenomenological analyses in order to test the validity of the Standard Model. ...
Inaugural Lecture of Georg von Hippel
Georg von Hippel delivered his inaugural lecture on "From Zero to Infinity in Fifty Minutes" - Eine Wanderung vom chiralen zum statischen Limes der Quantenchromodynamik. The inaugural lecture represents the last step in the Habilitation proceedings to demonstrate the scientific excellence and pedagogical skill required for appointment to a professorial position. ...
Physik im Theater
01.09.2014 - 05.09.2014
Summer School 2014 of the Graduate School "Symmetry Breaking"

Workshops on hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
1 - 5 April 2014 Topical Workshop

Waldthausen Castle near Mainz
07.04.2014 - 11.04.2014

Institut für Kernphysik, University of Mainz (JGU)
28.10.2013 - 02.11.2013
EINN 2013 - 10th European Research Conference on "Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei"
The conference series covers experimental and theoretical topics in the areas of nuclear and hadronic physics. It also serves as a forum for contacts and discussions of current and future developments in our field. ...
13.10.2013 - 16.10.2013
SFB1044 Summer School 2013
23.09.2013 - 11.10.2013
MITP scientific program: Low-energy precision physics
The scientific program will be focussed on the theory of low-energy precision physics relevant to the MESA and TRIGA initiatives. ...
GRK Symmetry Breaking Annual retreat 2013 at "Kloster Eberbach" in Eltville, Rheingau
The annual retreat allows all junior scientists of GRK and PRISMA to share their research activities and get to know each other in an informal setting. Students have the opportunity to present their research projects to peers and advisors. In addition, lectures by renowned scientists in the field of Symmetry Breaking in Fundamental Interactions are offered. ...
29.07.2013 - 03.08.2013
Lattice 2013 - XXXI International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory

The annual lattice symposium brings together a global community of researchers from theoretical particle physics and beyond, who employ numerical and computational methods to study the properties of strongly interacting physical systems, above all Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the theory describing the interactions of quarks and gluons. ...
29.06.2013 - 02.07.2013
MITP Topical workshop Cosmic-Rays and Photons from Dark Matter Annihilation: Theoretical Issues
Indirect detection of dark matter through galactic cosmic-rays and photon emission has received renewed attention in the wake of observations like a positron excess and tentative gamma-ray lines. This workshop will bring together researchers interested in refining the physics and astrophysics of dark matter annihilation in dark halos. ...
18.02.2013 - 20.02.2013
Workshop on PWA Tools in Hadron Spectroscopy
The Institute of Nuclear Physics in Mainz and the Collaborate Research Center 1044 is organizing a workshop on PWA Tools in Hadron Spectroscopy from February 18-20, 2013 at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Mainz. The aim of this workshop is to bring together people working on different aspects of hadron spectroscopy.
PRISMA Opening Ceremony
On November 5, the start of PRISMA Cluster of Excellence will be celebrated. The Science Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Doris Ahnen, the JGU President, Prof. Georg Krausch, and the Cluster Coordinators Prof. Matthias Neubert and Prof. Hartmut Wittig will explain to the scientific community impact and future work of PRISMA. ...
24.09.2012 - 26.09.2012
Graduate School "Symmetry Breaking in Fundamental Interactions" and Research Centre "Elementary Forces and Mathematical Foundations"- Retreat 2012
Organized jointly by Graduate School "Symmetry Breaking in Fundamental Interactions" and the Reseach Centre "Elementary Forces and Mathematical Foundations". All fellows of the Graduate School and of EMG will take part.
03.09.2012 - 07.09.2012
Kick-Off Event and Summer School CRC1044
The Kick-Off Meeting of the CRC 1044 will take place at the "Kupferbergterrasse" in Mainz (Germany) from September 3 - 5, 2012.
After the Kick-Off Meeting a summer school will take place on campus of Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz from September 5 - 7, 2012. The lectures as well as students' presentations will be linked to the research topics of CRC 1044, but will also go beyond.
19.03.2012 - 23.03.2012
DPG Frühjahrstagung, Mainz
31.10.2011 - 04.11.2011
9th European Research Conference on Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei
The conference on "Electromagnetic Interactions with Nucleons and Nuclei (EINN)" has been organized on Santorini and Milos Islands in Greece every other year since 1995. The series covers experimental and theoretical topics in the areas of nuclear and hadronic physics. ...
11.09.2011 - 16.09.2011
Summer School "Symmetries, Fundamental Interactions and Cosmology"
19.05.2011 - 20.05.2011
Workshop on Machine Aspects and Physics of the MESA Accelerator
The workshop will focus on machine aspects as well as possible precision measurements at the proposed low-energy electron scattering facility MESA in Mainz. The MESA accelerator will combine two recent breakthroughs in modern accelerator physics, namely the successful realization of high-gradient CW superconducting cavities and the design of energy-recovering linear (ERL) technology. Physics topics to be discussed include future low-energy precision measurements of the Weinberg angle and the search for low-energy gauge bosons of the so-called dark sector.
23.02.2011 - 25.02.2011
Conclusive Symposium Collaborative Research Center 443, Mainz
The symposium will focus on the role of electroweak probes to explore the structure and dynamics of hadrons at low momentum transfer. The contributions will summarize the results achieved within the Collaborative Research Centre CRC443 especially with the MAMI accelerator facility and put them into a broader context of modern hadron physics.
27.09.2010 - 29.09.2010
Graduiertenkolleg und EMG - Annual Retreat 2010
Kick-Off-Event Helmholtz Institute Mainz (HIM)
30.03.2009 - 03.04.2009
Conference "MAMI and Beyond"
Einweihung HPC Cluster "Wilson"
Am 30.01.2009 wurde das HPC Cluster "Wilson" offiziell eingeweiht. Neben Vertretern der Hochschulleitung und der Ministerialdirigentin Brigitte Klempt nahmen an der Veranstaltung interessierte Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler des Fachbereichs der Universität sowie befreundeter Universitäten teil. ...
Öffentliche Antrittsvorlesung Hartmut Wittig