Preprints 1995 – 2000


  1. 1995
  2. 1996
  3. 1997
  4. 1998
  5. 1999
  6. 2000


An effective chiral meson lagrangian at O(p6) from the NJL model
A.A. Bel'kov, A.V. Lanyov, A. Schaale, and S. Scherer
Published in Acta Physica Slovaca 45:121, 1995.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9408368

Photo- and electroproduction of eta mesons
G. Knöchlein, D. Drechsel, and L. Tiator
Published in Z. Phys. A 352:327, 1995.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9506029

Elastic scattering of pions from 3H and 3He into the backward hemisphere
S.K. Matthews, et al.
Published in Phys. Rev. C 51:2534, 1995.

Suppression of coupling constants in Sigma photoproduction
T. Mart and C. Bennhold
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 585:369c-270c, 1995.

Nucleon polarization in exclusive deuteron electrodisintegration with polarized electrons and a polarized target
H. Arenhövel, W. Leidemann, and E.L. Tomusiak
Published in Phys. Rev. C 52:1232, 1995.

Signatures from polarization observables for photon absorption on a 1S0 proton pair
P. Wilhelm, J.A. Niskanen, and H. Arenhövel
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 597:613, 1996.

Dispersion-theoretical analysis of the nucleon electromagnetic formfactors
P. Mergell, U. Meissner, and D. Drechsel
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 596:367, 1996.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9506375

gamma,gamma -> pi0,pi0 and eta -> pi0,gamma,gamma at O(p6) in the NJL-model
A.A. Bel'kov, A.V. Lanyov, S. Scherer,
Published in J. Phys. G 22:1383, 1996.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9506406

Compton scattering from a pion and off-shell effects
S. Scherer
Proc. of 7th Workshop in Nuclear Physics at Intermediate Energies, Trieste, 1995, World Scientific, Singapore, 1996, p. 440.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9506028

Parity violating pion electroproduction off the nucleon
H.W. Hammer and D. Drechsel
Published in Z. Phys. A 353:321-331, 1995.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9508014

Photon absorption on a nucleon pair in 3He
P. Wilhelm
Proc. of the Second Workshop on Electromagnetically Induced Two-Nucleon Emission, Gent, Belgium, 1995.

The K0 form factor in kaon electroproduction
C. Bennhold, H. Ito, T. Mart
(see MKPH-T-95-31)

Photo- and electroproduction of eta mesons on nucleons and nuclei
L. Tiator, C. Bennhold, S.S. Kamalov, G. Knöchlein, F.X. Lee, and L.E. Wright
Proc. of the Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei, Straz pod Ralskiem, 1995.
Published in Few-Body Systems, Suppl. 9:213, 1995. Also in *Straz pod Ralskem 1995, Mesons and light nuclei '95* 297-301.
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Deuteron Compton scattering
Th. Wilbois, P. Wilhelm, and H. Arenhövel
Proc. of the Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei, Straz pod Ralskiem, 1995.
Published in Few-Body-Systems, Suppl. 9:263, 1995.

Kaon photo- and electroproduction on nucleons
T. Mart and C. Bennhold
Proc. of the Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei, Straz pod Ralskiem, 1995.
Published in Few-Body Systems, Suppl. 9:369, 1995.

Two-body mechanisms in pion scattering and pion photoproduction on the trinucleon
S.S. Kamalov, L. Tiator, and C. Bennhold
Proc. of the Conference on Mesons and Light Nuclei, Straz pod Ralskiem, 1995.
Published in Few-Body-Systems, suppl. 9:297, 1995.

Two-Body mechanisms in the reaction 3He(pi-,pi0)3H
T.M. Avdeeva, S.S. Kamalov, and L. Tiator
Published in Phys.Atom.Nucl.59:1104-1107,1996, Yad.Fiz.59N6:1149-1152,1996.

Precise pion electroproduction in the p(e, e' pi+)n reaction at W=1125 MeV
K.I. Blomqvist, W.U. Boeglin, R. Böhm, M. Distler, D. Drechsel, R. Edelhoff, J. Friedrich, R. Geiges, O. Hanstein, M. Kahrau, M. Korn, H. Kramer, K.W. Krygier, V. Kunde, M. Kuss, A. Liesenfeld, K. Merle, R. Neuhausen, E.A.J.M. Offermann, Th. Pospischil, M. Potokar, A. Rokavec, A.W. Richter, G. Rosner, P. Sauer, S. Schardt, H. Schmieden, S. Sirca, L. Tiator, B. Vodenik, A. Wagner, Th. Walcher, S. Wolf
Published in Z. Phys. A 353:415, 1996.

A three-body force model for the baryon spectrum
M. Ferraris, M.M. Giannini, M. Pizzo, E. Santopinto, and L. Tiator
Published in Phys. Lett. B 364:231-238, 1995.

The rare decay eta -> pi,pi,gamma,gamma in chiral perturbation theory
G. Knöchlein, D. Drechsel, and S. Scherer
Published in Phys. Rev. D 53:3634, 1996.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9601252

The nucleon strangeness content and the eta-NN coupling
C. Bennhold, L. Tiator, and S.S. Kamalov.
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 585:313c - 314c, 1995.

Elastic pion scattering on the deuteron in a multiple scattering model
S.S. Kamalov, L. Tiator, and C. Bennhold
Published in Phys. Rev. C 55:88, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9602024

Coherent pi-0 and eta photoproduction on the deuteron
S.S. Kamalov, L. Tiator, and C. Bennhold
Published in Phys. Rev. C 55:98, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9602023

Photon- and pion-induced reactions on the trinucleon
L. Tiator, S.S. Kamalov, and C. Bennhold.
Proc. of 7th Workshop in Nuclear Physics at Intermediate Energies, Trieste, 1995, World Scientific, Singapore, 1996, p. 460.

Photonuclear physics with eta mesons
C. Bennhold, L. Tiator, S.S. Kamalov, Frank X. Lee, and L.E. Wright.
Proc. of the Sixth International Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, Blaubeuren, 1995.
Published in pi-N Newsletter 11:78, 1995.

The strangeness radius and magnetic moment of the nucleon revisited
H.-W. Hammer, U.G. Meissner, and D. Drechsel.
Published in Phys. Lett. B 367:323-328, 1996.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9509393

The anomalous decay eta -> pi,pi,gamma,gamma
G. Knöchlein, S. Scherer, and D. Drechsel
Proc. of International School of Nucl. Phys: 17th Course: Quarks in Hadrons and Nuclei, Erice, Italy, 19-27 Sep. 1995.
Published in Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 36:137, 1996.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9510374

Comment on 'Total cross section for photon absorption by two protons in 3He'
P. Wilhelm, H. Arenhövel, and J.A. Niskanen
Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 74:1034, 1995.

Pion vs. photon absorption on the deuteron
J.A. Niskanen and P. Wilhelm
Published in Phys. Lett. B 359:295, 1995.

Comment on 'Multinucleon mechanisms in (gamma, N) and (gamma,NN) reactions'
Th. Wilbois, P. Wilhelm, and H. Arenhövel
Published in Phys. Rev. C 54:3311, 1996.

Frame dependence of nuclear currents
J. Adam, Jr. and H. Arenhövel
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 598:462, 1996.

The K0 form factor in kaon electroproduction
C. Bennhold, H. Ito, and T. Mart
Proc. of 7th International Conf. on the Structure of Baryons, Santa Fe, 1995.
Published in "Santa Fe 1995, Baryons '95" 323-326.

S-channel baryon resonances in strange particle photoproduction, a first glance at new data from the saphir detector
J. Barth et al.
Proc of 7th Intern. Conference on the Structure of Baryons, Santa Fe, 1995.

On the coupling of the eta meson to the nucleon
M. Kirchbach and L. Tiator
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 604:385, 1996.
e-Print Archive:nucl-th/9601002

Relativistic SU(4) and quaternions
R. Dahm
Proc. of the Intern. Conference on the Theory of the Electron, Mexico 1995.

The structure of the nucleon studied with the electromagnetic interaction
D. Drechsel
Proc. International Nuclear Physics Symposium (INPS-95), Bombay.

Calculation of multipole amplitudes of pion photoproduction using fixed-t dispersion relations
O. Hanstein, L. Tiator, and D. Drechsel
Proc. of the Sixth International Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon, Blaubeuren, 1995.
Published in pi-N Newsletter 10:144, 1995.


Unitary ambiguity in the extraction of the E2/M1 ratio for the gamma N -> Delta transition
P. Wilhelm, T. Wilbois and H. Arenhövel
Published in Phys. Rev. C 54:1423, 1996.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9606015

Quasifree eta photoproduction from nuclei
F.X. Lee, L.E. Wright, C. Bennhold, and L. Tiator
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 603:345, 1996.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9601001

Quasifree pion photoproduction on the deuteron in the Delta region
R. Schmidt, H. Arenhövel, and P. Wilhelm
Published in Z. Phys. A 355:421, 1996.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9606016

Virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon at low energies
S. Scherer, A.Yu. Korchin, and J.H. Koch
Published in Phys. Rev. C 54:904, 1996.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9605030

Dispersion-theoretical analysis of the nucleon electromagnetic form factors: inclusion of time-like data
H.-W. Hammer, U.-G. Meißner, and D. Drechsel
Published in Phys. Lett. B 385:343, 1996.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9604294

The position and the residues of the Delta resonance pole in pion photoproduction
O. Hanstein, D. Drechsel, and L. Tiator
Published in Phys. Lett. B 385:45, 1996.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9605008

A large basis shell model analysis of 14N(gamma, pi+)14Cgs reaction
S. Karataglidis, K. Amos, C. Bennhold, and L. Tiator
Published in Phys. Rev. C 54:1863, 1996.

Generalized polarizabilities of the nucleon studied in the linear sigma-model
A. Metz and D. Drechsel
Published in Z. Phys. A 356:351, 1996.

Rescattering effects in coherent pion photoproduction on the deuteron in the Delta resonance region
P. Wilhelm and H. Arenhövel
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 609:469, 1996.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9606008

Virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon in chiral perturbation theory
T.R. Hemmert, B.R. Holstein, G. Knöchlein, and S. Scherer
Published in Phys. Rev. D 55:2630, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-

Probing hadron structure by real and virtual photons
H. Arenhövel
Prepared for International Conference on Nuclear Physics at the Turn of Millennium: Structure of Vacuum and Elementary Matter, Wilderness / George, South Africa, 10-16 Mar 1996.
Published in *Wilderness 1996, Structure of vacuum and elementary matter* 305-313.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9605036

Electromagnetic production of kaons on the nucleon
T. Mart, C. Bennhold, and L. Alfieri
Published in Acta Phys. Polon. B 27:3167, 1996.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9606024

The chiral condensate in nuclear matter
R. Brockmann and W. Weise
Published in Phys. Lett. B 367:40-44, 1996.

Virtual Compton scattering and generalized polarizabilities of the nucleon in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory
T. Hemmert, B. Holstein, G. Knöchlein, and S. Scherer
Published in Proc. of the Workshop on Virtual Compton Scattering, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 1996.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9606051

Polarization phenomena in small-angle photoproduction of e+e- pairs and the GDH sum rule
A.I. L'vov, S. Scopetta, D. Drechsel, and S. Scherer
Published in Proc. of the Workshop on Virtual Compton Scattering, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 1996.
e-Print Archive:nucl-th/9607004

General introduction to compton scattering
D. Drechsel
Published in Proc. of the Workshop on Virtual Compton Scattering, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 1996.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9607018

Virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon in the linear sigma model
A. Metz and D. Drechsel
Published in Proc. of the Workshop on Virtual Compton Scattering, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 1996.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9607050

Virtual Compton scattering off spin-zero particles at low energies
H.W. Fearing and S. Scherer
Published in Few Body Syst. 23:111-126, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9607056

Contributions of strange quarks to the magnetic moment of the proton
H.-W. Hammer, D. Drechsel, and T. Mart
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9701008

Generalized polarizabilities and the spin-averaged amplitude in virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon
D. Drechsel, G. Knöchlein, A. Metz, and S. Scherer
Published in Phys. Rev. C 55:424, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9608061

Coherent eta photoproduction on the deuteron in the S11 resonance region
E. Breitmoser and H. Arenhövel
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 612:321, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9608064

In-medium pion properties from chiral perturbation theory
M. Kirchbach and A. Wirzba
Talk given at International Symposium on Non-Nucleonic Degrees of Freedom Detected in Nucleus (NNDF 96), Osaka, Japan, 2-5 Sep 1996.
Published in *Osaka 1996, Non-nucleonic degrees of freedom detected in nuclei* 211-214.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9609291

New insights into the coupling of eta and f1 mesons to the nucleon
M. Kirchbach, L. Tiator, S. Neumeier, and S. Kamalov
Talk given at International Symposium on Non-Nucleonic Degrees of Freedom Detected in Nucleus (NNDF 96), Osaka, Japan, 2-5 Sep 1996.
Published in *Osaka 1996, Non-nucleonic degrees of freedom detected in nuclei* 373-376.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9609021

Intrinsic operators for the electromagnetic nuclear current
J. Adam, Jr. and H. Arenhövel
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 614:289, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9609058

Nucleon strangeness and unitarity
M.J. Musolf, H.-W. Hammer and D. Drechsel
Published in Phys. Rev. D55:2741, 1997.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9610402

Electromagnetic production of the hypertriton
T. Mart, L. Tiator, D. Drechsel, and C. Bennhold
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 640:235, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9610038

In-medium chiral perturbation theory and pion weak decay in the presence of background matter
M. Kirchbach and A. Wirzba
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 616:648, 1997.
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The Dirac-Brueckner approach
R. Brockmann and R. Machleidt
Published in *Open Problems in Nuclear Matter*, ed. M. Baldo, World Scientific, Singapore.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9612004

Consistent treatment of relativistic effects in electrodisintegration of the deuteron
F. Ritz, H. Goeller, T. Wilbois, and H. Arenhoevel
Published in Phys. Rev. C 55:2214, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9611026

Chiral dynamics of rare decays and virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon
S. Scherer
Invited talk at DAPHCE Workshop on Hadron Dynamics with the New Daphne and TJNAF Facilities (DAPHCE 96), Frascati, Italy, 11-14 Nov 1996.
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 623:215c, 1997.
e-Print A
rchive: hep-ph/9612228

Is the eta meson a Goldstone boson?
M. Kirchbach and H.J. Weber
Published in Comments Nucl. Part. Phys. 22:171-183, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9612010

A dispersion theoretical approach to the threshold amplitudes of pion photoproduction
O. Hanstein, D. Drechsel and L. Tiator
Published in Phys. Lett. B 399:13-21, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9612057

Electroproduction of hyperons
D. Drechsel and M.M. Giannini
Published in Phys. Lett. B 397:311-316, 1997.


On the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule for the deuteron
H. Arenhövel, G. Kress, R. Schmidt, and P. Wilhelm
Published in Phys. Lett. B 407:1, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9701024

A dispersion theoretical analysis of the E/M ratio of the Delta (1232) resonance
L. Tiator, D. Drechsel, and O. Hanstein
Published in Proc. of the CEBAF/INT Workshop on N* Physics, Sep 9-13, 1996 (Seattle, USA).

Proton spin in chiral quark models
M. Kirchbach, H.J. Weber, and X. Song
Published in Mod. Phys. Lett. A 12:729, 1997.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9701266

Coherent eta photoproduction on 4He and 12C in the low-energy region
A. Fix and H. Arenhövel
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 620:457, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9703002

Treatment of the Delta current in electromagnetic two-nucleon knockout reactions
P. Wilhelm, H. Arenhövel, C. Giusti and F.D. Pacati
Published in Z. Phys. A 359:467, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9702031

A note on gamma n -> pi- p at threshold
O. Hanstein, D. Drechsel and L. Tiator
Published in PiN Newslett.12 N 3:56-57,1997.
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Muon capture by a proton in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory
H. W. Fearing, R. Lewis, N. Mobed, and S. Scherer
Published in Phys. Rev. D 56:1783, 1997.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9702394

Unitarity constraint for threshold coherent pion photoproduction on the deuteron and chiral perturbation theory
P. Wilhelm
Published in Phys. Rev. C 56:1215, 1997.

Parity violation in quasifree electron scattering off the deuteron
G. Küster, H. Arenhövel,
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 626:911, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9703036

Nucleon vector strangeness form factors: multi-pion continuum and the OZI rule
H.-W. Hammer, M.J. Ramsey-Musolf
Published in Phys. Lett. B 416:5, 1998.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9703406

Structure analysis of the virtual Compton scattering amplitude at low energies
D. Drechsel, G. Knöchlein, A. Yu Korchin, A. Metz, and S. Scherer
Published in Phys. Rev. C 57:941, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9704064

Generalized polarizabilities and the chiral structure of the nucleon
T.R. Hemmert, B.R. Holstein, G. Knöchlein, and S. Scherer
Published in Phys. Rev. Lett 79:22, 1997.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9709456

Generalized polarizabilities of the nucleon studied in the linear sigma model (II)
A. Metz and D. Drechsel
Published in Z. Phys. A 359:165-172, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9705010

KN scattering and the nucleon strangeness radius
M.J. Ramsey-Musolf and H.-W. Hammer
Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 80:2539, 1998.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9705409

Influence of final state interation on incoherent eta-production on the deuteron near threshold
A. Fix and H. Arenhövel
Published in Z. Phys. A 359:427, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9706072

Polarization phenomena in small-angle photoproduction of e+e- pairs and the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule
A. L'vov, S. Scopetta, D. Drechsel and S. Scherer
Published in Phys. Rev. C 57:312, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9707006

Photoproduction of pions - results from dispersion theory
D. Drechsel and O. Hanstein
Published in Proc. of the Conference "Perspectives in Hadronic Physics", Trieste, 12-16 May, 1997.
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Pion electroproduction in the 3He(e,e'pi+)3H reaction at intermediate energies
K.I. Blomqvist et al.
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 626:871-885, 1997.

Relativistic effects and the role of heavy meson exchange in eeuteron photodisintegration
F. Ritz, H. Arenhövel, and T. Wilbois
Published in Few-Body Syst. 24:123,
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9707045

On the extraction of electromagnetic properties of the Delta (1232) excitation from pion photoproduction
T. Wilbois, P. Wilhelm, and H. Arenhövel
Published in Phys. Rev. C 57:295, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9708005

Compton scattering and the spin structure of the nucleon
T. Hemmert, B. Holstein, J. Kambor, G. Knöchlein
Published in Phys. Rev. D 57:5746-5754, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9709063

Photoproduction of the hypertriton
T. Mart, D. Kusno, C. Bennhold, L. Tiator, and D. Drechsel,
Proc. of "Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics", Groningen, Netherlands, 22-26 July 199.
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 631:765c, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9708012

On the parity degeneracy of baryons
M. Kirchbach
Published in Mod. Phys. Lett. A 12:2373, 1997.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9708336

Meson retardation in deuteron photodisintegration above pion threshold
M. Schwamb, H. Arenhövel, and P. Wilhelm
Published in Phys. Lett. B 420:255, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9709048

Optimized Delta expansion for relativistic nuclear models
G. Krein et al.
Published in Eur. Phys. J. A1: 45-53, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9709049

Generalized polarizabilities and the chiral structure of the nucleon
T.R. Hemmert, B.R. Holstein, G. Knöchlein, and S. Scherer
Talk given by S. Scherer at the 15th International Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics, Groningen, The Netherlands, 22-26 July 1997.
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 631:607c-611c, 1998.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9709456

Multipole analysis of pion photoproduction based on fixed t dispersion relations and unitarity
O. Hanstein, D. Drechsel and L. Tiator
Published in Nucl. Phys. A632:561, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9709067

Radiative and non-radiative muon capture on the proton in heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory
H.W. Fearing, R. Lewis, N. Mobed and S. Scherer
Talk given at the 15th Int. Conf. on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Groningen, The Netherlands, 22-26 July, 1997.
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 631:735c- 739c, 1998.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9709459

Dispersion theoretical analysis of pion photoproduction at threshold and in the Delta region
L. Tiator
Invited talk given at the "7th International Symposium on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU97)", Vancouver, July 28 - August 1, 1997.
Published in pi-N Newsletters 13:127, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9710036

Dispersion relations and the spin polarizabilities of the nucleon
D. Drechsel, G. Krein, and O. Hanstein
Published in Phys. Lett. B 420:248, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9710029

Explicit pionic degrees of freedom in deuteron photodisintegration in the Delta resonance region
M. Schwamb, H. Arenhövel, P. Wilhelm, and T. Wilbois
Talk given at the 15th Int. Conf. on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Groningen, Netherlands, 22-26 July 1997.
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 631:583c-587c, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9710035

On the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule for the deuteron
H. Arenhövel, G. Kreß, R. Schmidt, and P. Wilhelm
Talk given at the 15th Int. Conf. on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Groningen, Netherlands, 22-26 July 1997.
Published in Nucl Phys. A 631:612c, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9710034

Causality in relativistic many body theory
H. Blum and R. Brockmann
postcript compressed (194kB)

Hadron polarizabilities and form factors
D. Drechsel (Convener), J. Becker, A. Z. Dubnickova, S. Dubnicka, L. Fil'kov, H.-W. Hammer, T. Hannah, Th. Hemmert, G. Höhler, D. Hornidge, F. Klein, E. Luppi, A. L'vov, U.-G. Meißner, A. Metz, R. Miskimen, V. Olmos, M. Ostrick, J. Roche, S. Scherer
Proceedings of the Working Group "Hadron Polarizabilities and Form Factors" of the ChPT Workshop, Mainz, Sep. 1-5, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9712013

Lorentz multiplet structure of baryon spectra and relativistic description
M. Kirchbach
Published in Mod. Phys. Lett. A 12:3177-3188, 1997.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9712072

Mapping of composite hadrons into elementary hadrons and effective hadronic hamiltonians
D. Hadjimichef, G. Krein, S. Szpigel, J. S. Da Veiga
Published in Annals Phys. 268:105-148, 1998.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9805459


Isosinglet versus octet scalar axial current
M. Kirchbach
Published in Phys. Rev. D 58:117901, 1999.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9801030

Analysis of eta production using a generalized Lee model
J. Denschlag, L. Tiator, and D. Drechsel
blished in: Eur. Phys. J. A 3:71, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9802063

Electroweak processes in few-nucleon systems
H. Arenhövel
Published in: Few-Body Syst. 26:43, 1999.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9802062

Eta photoproduction
L. Tiator, G. Knöchlein, and C. Bennhold
Proc. of the GW/TJNAF Workshop on N* Physics, Washington D.C., October 30 - November 1, 1997.
Published in: PiN Newslett. 14:70-78, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9802064

Balmer-like series for baryon resonances
M. Kirchbach
Published in: Mod. Phys. Lett. A13:823, 1998.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9803381

Low-energy and low momentum representation of the virtual Compton scattering
D. Drechsel, G, Knöchlein, A.Yu. Korchin, A. Metz, and S. Scherer
Published in: Phys. Rev. C 58:1751, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9804078

On complete sets of polarization observables
H. Arenhövel, W. Leidemann, and E.L. Tomusiak
Published in: Nucl. Phys. A 641:517, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9806017

Invariant amplitudes for coherent electromagnetic pseudoscalar production from a spin-one target
H. Arenhövel
Published in: Few Body Syst. 25:157, 1998.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9809067

The Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule and the single-pion photoproduction multipole E0+ close to threshold
D. Drechsel and G. Krein
Published in: Phys. Rev. D 58:116009, 1998.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9808230

A unitary isobar model for pion photo- and electroproduction on the proton up to 1 GeV
D. Drechsel, O. Hanstein, S. S. Kamalov, and L. Tiator
Published in: Nucl. Phys. A 645:145, 1999.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9807001

Generalized polarizabilities of the nucleon in chiral perturbation theory
T.R. Hemmert, B.R. Holstein, G. Knöchlein, and D. Drechsel
Published in: Phys. Rev. D 62:014013, 2000.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9910036

Lorentz covariant spin-grouping of baryon resonances
M. Kirchbach
Published in: Few Body Syst. Suppl. 11:47, 1999.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9807292

Anomalous hypercharge axial current and the coupling of the eta and f1(1420) mesons to the nucleon
S. Neumeier and M. Kirchbach
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9809246

Virtual Compton scattering - generalized polarizabilities of nucleons and ions
S. Scherer
Invited talk at Joint ECT* / TJNAF Workshop on N* Physics and Nonperturbative QCD, Trento, Italy, 18-29 May 1998.
Published in Few Body Syst.Suppl.11:327-334, 1999.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9807562

Observables in unpolarized and polarized virtual compton scattering
A. Metz, B. Pasquini, and D. Drechsel
Talk given at 2nd Workshop on Electronuclear Physics with Internal Targets and the BLAST Detector, Cambridge, MA, 28-30 May 1998.
Published in: *Cambridge 1998, Electronuclear physics with internal targets and the BLAST detector* 118-134.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9808282

Hyperspherical bosons in baryons
M. Kirchbach

Rescattering effects in coherent eta-photoproduction on the deuteron
H. Arenhövel and F. Ritz
Published in: Phys. Lett. B 447:15, 1999.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9810027

Tensor analyzing powers for quasi-elastic electron scattering from deuterium
Z.-L. Zhou, H. Arenhövel, et al.
Published in: Phys. Rev. Lett. 82687, 1999.
e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/9809002

The generalized Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn integral and the spin structure of the nucleon
D. Drechsel, S.S. Kamalov, G. Krein, and L. Tiator
Published in: Phys. Rev. D 59:094021, 1999.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9810480

Form factors and exclusive processes - introduction and overview
D. Drechsel
Proceedings of the Baryons 98 Conference, Bonn, September 22.-26., 1998.
Published in *Bonn 1998, The structure of baryons* 343-355.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9811035

Higher nucleon resonances in exclusive reactions (Gamma, pi N) on nuclei
F.X. Lee, C. Bennhold, S.S. Kamalov and L.E. Wright
Published in: Phys. Rev. C 60:034605, 1999.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9806024

Multipole analysis of pion and eta photoproduction
L. Tiator, O. Hanstein, and C. Bennhold
Published in: Proceedings of the Workshop on Electron-Nucleus Scattering, Elba, June 22-26, 1998.
postscript compressed (304kB)

Dispersion approach to pion production and the GDH sum rule
D. Drechsel
Proc. of the N* Workshop at ECT, Few-Body Systems Suppl. Vol. 11, 1999.
postscript compressed (66kB)


Real and virtual Compton scattering at low energies
S. Scherer
Lectures given at 11th Indian Summer School on Intermediate Energy Physics: Mesons and Light Nuclei, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-11 Sep 1998.
Published in Czech. J. Phys. 49:1307, 1999.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9901056

Baryons as hyperspherical O(4) partial waves
M. Kirchbach
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9901279

Analysis of resonance multipoles from polarization observables in eta photoproduction
L. Tiator, D. Drechsel, G. Knöchlein and C. Bennhold
Published in Phys. Rev. C 60:035210, 1999.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9902028

Medium effects in coherent pion photo- and electroproduction on 4He and 12C
D. Drechsel, L. Tiator, S. S. Kamalov and Shin Nan Yang,
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 660:423-438,1999.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9906019

Comment on "mixing and decay constants of pseudoscalar mesons"
M. Kirchbach
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9903437

Baryon spectroscopy from an O(4) symmetric quark-rotator
M. Kirchbach

Complete sets of polarization observables in electromagnetic deuteron break-up
H. Arenhövel, W. Leidemann and E.L. Tomusiak
Published in Few Body Syst.28:147-188, 2000.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9905029

Generalized polarizabilities and electroexcitation of the nucleon
D. Drechsel, G. Krein, S.S. Kamalov, B. Pasquini and L. Tiator
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 660:57-68,1999.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9907056

Fixed-t subtracted dispersion relations for Compton scattering off the nucleon
D. Drechsel, M. Gorchtein, B. Pasquini and M. Vanderhaeghen
Published in Phys. Rev. C 61:015204, 2000.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9904290

Generalized polarizabilities of the pion in chiral perturbation theory
C. Unkmeir, S. Scherer, A.I. L'vov and D. Drechsel
Published in Phys. Rev. D 61:034002, 2000.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9904442

Dispersion theoretical analysis of the nucleon spin polarizabilities
B. Pasquini, D. Drechsel, G. Krein and A. Metz
Proceedings of Joint ECT* / TJNAF Workshop on N* Physics and Nonperturbative QCD, Trento, Italy, 18-29 May 1998; Edited by S. Simula, B. Saghai, N.C. Mukhopadhyay, V.D. Burkert. Wien, Springer, 1999.
Published in Few Body Syst. Suppl. 11:335-338, 1999.

Observables in unpolarized and polarized virtual compton scattering
A. Metz, B. Pasquini and D. Drechsel
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Electronuclear Physics with Internal Targets and the BLAST Detector, Cambridge, MA, 28-30 May 1998; edited by Ricardo Alarcon and Richard Milner. Singapore, World Scientific, 1999.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9808282

Out-of-plane measurements of the fifth response function of the exclusive electronuclear response
S.M. Dolfini et al.
Published in Phys. Rev. C 60:064622,1999.

Electroproduction of strangeness above the resonance region
M. Guidal, J.-M. Laget, M. Vanderhaeghen
Published in Phys. Rev. C 61:025204, 2000.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9904511

Deeply virtual electroproduction of photons and mesons on the nucleon: leading order amplitudes and power corrections
M. Vanderhaeghen, P.A.M. Guichon, M. Guidal
Published in Phys. Rev. D 60:094017,1999.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9905372

Invariant amplitudes for coherent electromagnetic pseudoscalar production from a spin-one target (II): crossing, multipoles and observables
H. Arenhövel
Published in Few Body Syst. 27:141-162, 1999.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9907005

Coherent pion electroproduction on the deuteron in the Delta (1232) resonance region
Th. Ebertshäuser and H. Arenhövel,
Published in Eur. Phys. J. A 6:431-443, 1999.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9907057

Analysis and interpretation of the E/M ratio of the Delta (1232)
L. Tiator
Prepared for 8th International Conference on the Structure of Baryons (Baryons 98), Bonn, Germany, 22-26 Sep 1998.
Published in *Bonn 1998, The structure of baryons* 787-790.

Generalized dipole polarizabilities of the pion
S. Scherer
Invited talk at 2nd ICTP International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics, Trieste, Italy, 10-14 May 1999.
Published in *Trieste 1999, Perspectives in hadronic physics* 317-327 .
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9907416

Elastic electron deuteron scattering with consistent meson exchange and relativistic contributions of leading order
H. Arenhövel, F. Ritz and T. Wilbois
Published in Phys. Rev. C 61:034002, 2000.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9910009

Field transformations and simple models illustrating the impossibility of measuring off-shell effects
H.W. Fearing and S. Scherer
Published in Phys. Rev.C 62:034003, 2000.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9909076

Pion e
lectroproduction on the nucleon and the generalized GDH sum rule

L. Tiator, D. Drechsel and S.S. Kamalov
Published in *Trieste 1999, Perspectives in hadronic physics* 174-183.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9909068

The role of meson retardation in the NN interaction above pion threshold
M. Schwamb, and H. Arenhövel
Published in Nucl.Phys.A690:647-681,2001.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9912017

Lambda polarization in associated K+-lambda electroproduction
L. Teodorescu, P. Gueye, T. Angelescu, O.K. Baker, R. Ent, M. Guidal, J.M. Laget, J. Mitchell, G. Niculescu, M. Vanderhaeghen and R. Williams
Submitted to Nucl. Phys. B.

Higher order polarizabilities of the proton
B. Holstein, D. Drechsel, B. Pasquini and M. Vanderhaeghen
Published in Phys. Rev. C 61:034316, 2000.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9910427

Hard exclusive electroproduction of decuplet baryons in the large Nc limit
L.L. Frankfurt, M. Polyakov, M. Strikman and M. Vanderhaeghen
Published in Phys .Rev. Lett. 84:2589-2592, 2000.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/9911381

The spin structure of the nucleon in the resonance region
D. Drechsel
Proc. of "Nuclear Matter, Hot and Cold", a Symposium in Memory of Judah M. Eisenberg (1938 - 1998), April 14-16 1999, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

Electromagnetic investigations of nucleon resonances and sum rules
D. Drechsel
Proc. of International School on Nuclear Physics, 21th course: Electromagnetic Probes and the Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei, Erice, Sicily, Italy, Sept. 17-15, 1999.

A polarization relation and the measurement of the longitudinal response in pseudoscalar meson electroproduction off the nucleon
H. Schmieden and L. Tiator
Published in Eur. Phys. J. A 8:15-17, 2000.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/9909046

Determination of the E2/M1 ratio in the gamma N ->Delta (1232) transition from a simultaneous measurement of p(gamma->, p) pi0 and p (gamma->, pi+)n
R. Beck et al.,
Published in Phys. Rev. C 61:035204, 2000.
e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/9908017


QED radiative corrections to virtual Compton scattering
M. Vanderhaeghen, J.M. Friedrich, D. Lhuillier, D. Marchand, L. Van Hoorebeke and J. Van de Wiele
Published in Phys. Rev. C 62:025501, 2000.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0001100

The structure of the nucleon
D. Drechsel
Lecture at the 14th Annual HUGS at CEBAF, published in Hadronic Structure, World Scientific, Ed. José L. Goity, 2001.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0003061

Radiative pion capture by a nucleon
H.W. Fearing, Th. R. Hemmert, R. Lewis and C. Unkmeir
Published in: Phys. Rev. C 62:054006, 2000.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0005213

Pion electroproduction on the nucleon and the generalized GDH sum rule
L. Tiator, D. Drechsel and S.S. Kamalov
Proceedings of the Conference on "Excited Nucleons and Hadronic Structure", Newport News, USA, 16-19 February 2000; edited by V.D. Burkert, L. Elouadrhiri, J.J. Kelly, and R.C. Minehart, World Scientific, Singapore.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0005061

A new isobar model for pion photo- and electroproduction on the proton (MAID2000)
S. S. Kamalov, D. Drechsel, O. Hanstein, and L. Tiator

Two-body effects in coherent eta-meson photoproduction on the deuteron in the region of the S11 (1535) resonance
F. Ritz and H. Arenhövel
Published in Phys. Rev. C 64:034005, 2001.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0011089

Inelastic photon scattering and the magnetic moment of the Delta (1232) resonance
D. Drechsel, M. Vanderhaeghen, M.M. Giannini, E. Santopinto
Published in Phys. Lett. B 484:236, 2000.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0003035

Analysis of the low-energy eta NN-dynamics within a three-body formalism
A. Fix and H. Arenhövel,
Published in Eur. Phys. J. A 9:119, 2000.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0006074

gamma* N -> Delta transition form factors:
A new analysis of the JLab data on p (e,e'pi0) p at Q2 = 2.8 and 4.0 (GeV/c)2
S.S. Kamalov, S.N. Yang, D. Drechsel, O. Hanstein and L. Tiator
Published in Phys. Rev. C 64:032201, 2001.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0006068

The GDH sum rule for the deuteron
H. Arenhövel
Proceedings of the Symposium on the "Gerasimov-Drell- Hearn Sum Rule and the Nucleon Spin Structure in the Resonance Region" (GDH 2000), Mainz, 4-7 March 2000; edited by D. Drechsel and L. Tiator, World Scientific, Singapore.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0006083

A simple model illustrating the impossibility of measuring off-shell effects
S. Scherer and H. W. Fearing
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 684:499, 2001.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0006076

The role of meson retardation in deuteron photodisintegration above pion threshold
M. Schwamb and H. Arenhövel
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 690:682, 2001.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0008034

Three-body analysis of incoherent eta-production on the deuteron in the near thresho
ld region

A. Fix and H. Arenhövel
Published in Phys. Lett. B 492:32, 2000.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0008031

Otto Stern, the GDH sum rule and various spin crises
D. Drechsel
Proceedings of the Symposium on the "Gerasimov-Drell- Hearn Sum Rule and the Nucleon Spin Structure in the Resonance Region" (GDH 2000), Mainz, 4-7 March 2000; edited by D. Drechsel and L. Tiator, World Scientific, Singapore.

Real and virtual photon scattering off the nucleon
M. Vanderhaeghen
Published in Eur. Phys. J. A 8:455, 2000.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0007232

The first determination of generalized polarizabilities of the proton by a virtual Compton scattering experiment
J. Roche et al.
Published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 85:708, 2000.
e-Print Archive: hep-ex/0007053

Generalized polarizabilities of the nucleon in a constituent quark model revisited
B. Pasquini, S. Scherer, and D. Drechsel
Published in Phys. Rev. C 63:025205, 2001.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0008046

Dispersion relation formalism for virtual Compton scattering and the generalized polarizabilities of the nucleon
B. Pasquini, D. Drechsel, M. Gorchtein, A. Metz, and M. Vanderhaeghen
Published in Phys. Rev. C 62:052201, 2000.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0007144

The GDH sum rule and related integrals
D. Drechsel, S.S. Kamalov and L. Tiator
Published in Phys. Rev. D 63:114010, 2001.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0008306

Hadron structure studied with the electromagnetic probe - from giant resonances to meson production
H. Arenhövel
Talk given at 241st WE-Heraeus Seminar: Symposium on Fundamental Issues in Elementary Matter: In Honor and Memory of Michael Danos, Bad Honnef, Germany, 25-29 Sep 2000.
Published in Heavy Ion Phys.14:21-31, 2001.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0010065

Virtual Compton scattering off the pseudoscalar meson octet
T. Fuchs, B. Pasquini, C. Unkmeir, and S. Scherer
Proceedings of 13th Indian-Summer School "Understanding the Structure of Hadrons", August 28 - September 1, 2000, Prague, Czech Republic.
Published in Czech. J. Phys. 52:B135-B144, 2002.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0010218

Helicity amplitudes and sum rules for real and virtual photons
L. Tiator
Proceedings of the Symposium on the "Gerasimov-Drell- Hearn Sum Rule and the Nucleon Spin Structure in the Resonance Region" (GDH 2000), Mainz, 4-7 March 2000; edited by D. Drechsel and L. Tiator, World Scientific, Singapore.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0012045

The E2/M1 and C2/M1 ratios and form factors in N --> Delta transitions
L. Tiator, D. Drechsel, O. Hanstein, S.S. Kamalov, and S.N. Yang
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 689:205, 2001.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0012046

Polarization observables in elastic electron deuteron scattering including parity and time reversal violating contributions
H. Arenhövel and S. K. Singh
Published in Eur. Phys. J. A 10:183, 2001.
e-Print Archive: nucl-th/0012066

DVCS on the nucleon: study of the twist-three effects
N. Kivel, M.V. Polyakov, and M. Vanderhaeghen
Published in Phys. Rev. D 63:114014, 2001.
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0012136

Measurement of the recoil polarization in the p (e-->, e' p-->) pi0 reaction at the Delta (1232) resonance
Th. Popischil et al.
PUblished in Phys. Rev. Lett. 86:2959, 2001.
e-Print Archive: nucl-ex/0010020

Dispersion analysis for generalized spin polarizabilities
M. Vanderhaeghen, D. Drechsel, M. Gorchtein, A. Metz, and B. Pasquini
Proceedings of the Symposium on the "Gerasimov-Drell- Hearn Sum Rule and the Nucleon Spin Structure in the Resonance Region" (GDH 2000), Mainz, 4-7 March 2000; edited by D. Drechsel and L. Tiator, World Scientific, Singapore
e-Print Archive: hep-ph/0009239

Electromagnetic investigations of nucleon resonances and sum rules
D. Drechsel
Prepared for International School of Nuclear Physics, 21st Course: Electromagnetic Probes and the Structure of Hadrons and Nuclei, Erice, Sicily, Italy, 17-25 Sep 1999.
Published in Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 44:125, 2000.

Polarized structure functions of the nucleon in the resonance region
D. Drechsel, B. Pasquini, L. Tiator, S.S. Kamalov, and G. Krein
Prepared for Workshop on the Structure of the Nucleon (Nucleon 99), Frascati, Italy, 7-9 Jun 1999.
Published in Nucl. Phys. A 666:286-289, 2000.