- Dr. Viacheslav Tsaran
Unified approach to nuclear pion scattering and photoproduction (2024) - Dr. Miguel Salg
Electromagnetic form factors and radii of the nucleon from Lattice QCD and the proton radius puzzles (2024) - Dr. Oleksandra Deineka
Coupled-channel dynamics in hadronic system (2023) - Dr. Tobias Schulz
Isovector vector and axial vector form factors of the nucleon from lattice QCD (2022) - Dr. Miguel Teseo San José Pérez
The hadronic contribution to the running of the electromagnetic coupling and the electroweak mixing angle (2022) - Dr. Daniel Alberto Stanischesk Molnar
The Role of Exotic Mesons and Final State Interactions in \(e^+e^−\) Collisions (2022) - Dr. En-Hung Chao
Hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon from Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (2022) - Dr. Andreas Risch
Isospin breaking effects in hadronic matrix elements on the lattice (2021) - Dr. Matthias Heller
Radiative corrections to Compton processes on the proton and to the Drell-Yan process (2021) - Dr. Kai Zapp
A study of spectral functions in lattice QCD (2021) - Dr. Aman Steinberg
Photon production and screening properties of the QGP from lattice QCD (2021) - Dr. Hans Christian Lange
Effektive Feldtheorie für elektromagnetische Übergänge zwischen pseudoskalaren und Vektor-Mesonen (2020) - Dr. Oleksii Gryniuk
Dispersion relations in two-photon hadronic processes (2020) - Dr. Jonas Wilhelm
The strangeness form factors of the nucleon from lattice QCD (2020) - Dr. Nils Asmussen
Position-Space Approach to the Hadronic Light-by-Light Scattering Contribution to the Anomalous Magnetic Moment of the Muon on the Lattice (2019) - Dr. Felix Erben
A Lattice QCD study of the rho resonance and the timelike pion form factor (2018) - Dr. Jiayu Hua
Determination of axial nucleon form factors in lattice QCD (2017) - Dr. Franziska Hagelstein
Exciting nucleon in Compton scattering and hydrogen-like atoms (2017) - Dr. Hanno Horch
Lattice QCD studies of observables extracted from the hadronic vacuum polarization (2017) - Dr. Nadiia Krupina
Model-independent determination of proton polarizabilities from Compton scattering (2017) - Dr. Patricia Bickert
The eta-eta' system in large-Nc chiral perturbation theory (2017) - Dr. Pablo Sanchez-Puertas
A theoretical study of meson transition form factors (2016) - Dr. Oleksandr Tomalak
Two-photon exchange corrections in elastic lepton-proton scattering (2016) - Dr. Daniel Robaina Fernandez
Static and dynamic properties of QCD at finite temperature (2016) - Dr. Johannes Weber
Properties of minimally doubled fermions (2015) - Dr. Vera Gülpers
Hadronic correlation functions with quark-disconnected contributions in lattice QCD (2015) - Dr. Vladyslav Pauk
Light-by-light scattering and muon-anomalous magnetic moment (2014) - Dr. Sandro Gorini
Chirale effektive Feldtheorie mit Vektormesonen: vom elektromagnetischen Formfaktor zur virtuellen Compton-Streuung (2014) - Dr. Tobias Beranek
Theoretical analysis of hidden photon searches in high-precision experiments (2014) - Dr. Julia Guttmann
Nucleon electromagnetic structure studies in the spacelike and timelike regions (2013) - Dr. Benjamin Jäger
Hadronic matrix elements in lattice QCD (2013) - Dr. Bastian Brandt
Chiral properties of two-flavour QCD at zero and non-zero temperature (2012) - Dr. Torsten Bauer
Anwendungen des Komplexe-Masse-Renormierungsschemas in effektiver Feldtheorie (2012) - Dr. Bastian Knippschild
Baryons in the Chiral Regime (2012) - Dr. Marius Hilt
Photo- und Elektropionproduktion in chiraler effektiver Feldtheorie (2011) - Dr. Christian Hacker
Chirale Störungsrechnung im Sektor ungerader innerer Parität bis zur chiralen Ordnung O(q6) (2008) - Dr. Dalibor Djukanovic
Virtual Compton scattering in baryon chiral perturbation theory (2008) - Dr. Thomas Spitzenberg
Deeply virtual Compton scattering in a relativistic quark model (2007) - Dr. Björn Lehnhart
Elektromagnetische Pionproduktion in manifest Lorentz-invarianter baryonischer chiraler Störungstheorie (2007) - Dr. Matthias Schindler
Higher-order calculations in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory (2007) - Dr. Thomas Fuchs
Formfaktoren des Nukleons in relativistischer chiraler Störungstheorie (2003) - Dr. Thomas Ebertshäuser
Mesonic chiral perturbation theory - odd intrinsic parity sector (2002)